EUBF carries out projects in various areas aimed at improving the cooperation of enforcement authorities in Europe and the access to justice. It also collaborates with other legal professions (lawyers, notaries, judges…) to promote common topics, such as facilitation of cross-border execution and free movement of enforceable titles in Europe, and to reinforce the mutual understanding between the different actors in the EU civil procedures.
The projects of the EUBF concentrate in particular on the following areas:

Me-CODEX II continues the maintenance of the e-CODEX from Me-CODEX as well as the preparation of the handover to the long term hosting solution. This include EUBF plays a key role in especially the work on defining the future governance solution for e-CODEX and providing expertise on the legal questions related to e-CODEX and the handover.

Project co-financed by the EU

Project co-financed by the EU

E-Evidence2e-CODEX (2018-2020)
EVIDENCE2e-CODEX is a merger of the former EVIDENCE and e-CODEX projects and aims at working on further development of formats for submitting and exchanging evidences.
EUBF participates in the project to contribute with its expertise in e-justice and to learn on experiences handling different formats of evidence.
Project co-financed by the EU
Project co-financed by the EU

The project provides an up and running network for the fully electronic exchange of European Investigation Orders (EIOs) and related e-Evidences between Member States. It aims at connecting Member States to the e-CODEX solution applied to EIO.
EUBF contributes with is expertise and knowledge on e-justice.

Project co-financed by the EU

Project co-financed by the EU

The project was a continuation of e-CODEX and had as objective to maintain the e-CODEX solution and work on a sustainable model for the long-term maintenance and governance of e-CODEX.
EUBF played a key role in Me-CODEX as member of the Management Board within which it worked, among other topics, on exploring the opportunities for applying e-CODEX on Service of documents.

Project co-financed by the EU

Project co-financed by the EU

The aim of e-CODEX was to improve the cross-border access of citizens and businesses to legal means in Europe as well as to improve the interoperability between legal authorities within the EU.
During the course of e-CODEX a solution enable cross-border secure digital communication between legal professionals, business and citizens was created.
In February 2013, a partnership agreement was signed between e-CODEX and EJS to work on the transmission of documents between bailiffs in application of EU procedures.

Project co-financed by the EU
In February 2013, a partnership agreement was signed between e-CODEX and EJS to work on the transmission of documents between bailiffs in application of EU procedures.

Project co-financed by the EU

EJS – e-Justice Signification
The project aimed at creating an electronic platform to secure cross-border exchange of documents in Europe between judicial officers.
CEHJ led the consortium of six partners and was in charge of the conception, design and development if the platform.
The European chamber of judicial officers, and now EUBF, has since the end of the project been in charge of maintaining and further developing of the EJS platform.
Project co-financed by the EU.
Project co-financed by the EU.

FILIT (improved implementation of EU law through interprofessional training)
The EU co-financed project “for the improved implementation of EU law through interprofessional training” (FILIT) aimed to provide judicial training for bailiffs and lawyers, tailored to suit their needs and include EU civil and commercial matters, family law, data protection, and fundamental rights. The project consisted of cross-border training activities, interprofessional training and blended learning methodology, and has three objectives: to contribute to the correct application of EU law, improve mutual trust amongst professionals in cross-border proceedings, and foster a common judicial European culture. The project was highly relevant in the current context, where the number of cross-border cases is increasing, but EU law knowledge amongst different legal practitioners in the Member States remains limited.Similarly to the first opus of the project, EUBF dealt with encouraging bailiffs to take on the training activities and updating its online training platform. Ten new videos on English judicial terminology were added and three new learning modules on European procedures.
In addition, EUBF chaired a committee composed of bailiffs and court staff (French and Belgian) in order to draft an online module dealing with how to improve practitioners’ use of EU forms.
Project co-financed by the EU
This resulted in the publication of a report to the European Commission.
Project co-financed by the EU
This resulted in the publication of a report to the European Commission.

EJT 2 (European Judicial Training for Court Staff and Bailiffs)
The goal of the project was to improve and develop court staff & bailiffs training in EU law through e-learning and face-to-face training. The project consortium was composed of seven partners.
Similarly to the first opus of the project, EUBF dealt with encouraging bailiffs to take on the training activities and updating its online training platform. Ten new videos on English judicial terminology were added and three new learning modules on European procedures.
In addition, EUBF chaired a committee composed of bailiffs and court staff (French and Belgian) in order to draft an online module dealing with how to improve practitioners’ use of EU forms.
Project co-financed by the EU
This resulted in the publication of a report to the European Commission.
Project co-financed by the EU
This resulted in the publication of a report to the European Commission.

EJT 1 (European Judicial Training for Court Staff and Bailiffs)
The aim of the project was to improving court staff & bailiffs’ judicial training in EU law and cross-border procedure in civil, criminal and commercial law as well as the legal linguistic skills of court staff & bailiffs. It also aimed at strengthening cooperation between training providers. The project consortium gathered six partners.
CEHJ had two important roles in this project. i) encourage bailiffs to participate in the trainings offered by EIPA and the other training partners. ii) create new learning modules on its online training platform.
Project co-financed by the EU
Project co-financed by the EU

EJL (European judicial officers’ e-learning)
The project aimed at creating a training platform on which e-learning modules on relevant European instruments for judicial officers in their daily practice would be made available.
The platform was further enhanced in the EJT projects.
Maintenance and further development of the training platform is today ensured by EUBF.
Project co-financed by the EU
Project co-financed by the EU

FAB III (Find a Bailiff III)
EUBF has been awarded the project FAB III which aims at extending even further the European Directory of Bailiffs, prepare its integration into the European e-Justice Portal and improve the user-friendliness of the directory and extend its functionalities. The project will start beginning 2020.

Project co-financed by the EU

Project co-financed by the EU

FAB II (Find a Bailiff II)
The project, lead by EUBF, aimed to consolidate the European Directory of Bailiffs which was created under the previous EJE project, with the overall objective to increase the implementation of cross-border proceedings as well as increasing bailiffs’ interactions with their European counterparts. A technical solution was developed to help Member States join the Directory. This solution enabled three new Member States to join the directory.
A special effort was also made on increasing the knowledge of the directory.

Project co-financed by the EU

Project co-financed by the EU

(Court Database II)
EUBF joined the consortium of the project in order to adapt the database of the European Directory of Bailiffs to act as a direct source for the European Court Database which is hosted on the European e-Justice Portal. It is important to make the bailiff’s data available in such an essential tool for European legal practitioners.
Project co-financed by the EU
Project co-financed by the EU

EJE (European Judicial Enforcement)
The project, one of the first lead by CEHJ, aimed to improve cross-border enforcement of judgements by creating the first version of the European Directory of Bailiffs. Several fact sheets on national enforcement procedures were also produced. Thanks to the project, users were able to easily find the competent enforcement authority in a certain number of Member States even when they were not familiar with the national system of said Member State.
Project co-financed by the EU
Project co-financed by the EU
Studies and Research

Bruxelles 1a
The objective of the project was to conduct a comparative study on the application of European Regulation 1215/2012 of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (known as "Brussels I bis") by bailiffs and notaries in the following Member States: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal.
EUBF was the project leader.
Project co-financed by the EU
EUBF was the project leader.
Project co-financed by the EU