Recasting of Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 on Service of documents

To ensure a complete upgrade of the judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters in the European Union, the European Commission published on May 31, 2018 its proposal amending Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 on service of documents. The Commission’s proposal maintains the principle of transmission between receiving and transmitting agencies but presents a major shift by introducing the exchange of documents by electronic means in a cross-border situations. The traditional channel for transmitting a document in another Member State for purposes of service has, therefore, been abandoned in favour of the opportunities offered by emerging technologies. The Commission aims to fully exploit the potential of new technologies. It is therefore important that technical and security requirements are met, particularly in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation. EUBF has been following closely every step of the negotiation surrounding the adoption of the proposal since it is likely to have a major impact on the bailiffs’ profession in all EU Member States. In fact, EUBF aims to raise awareness on any difficulties that may arise from the implementation of the text and is committed to safeguard the respect of legal certainty. In this respect, EUBF is a pioneer of the e-CODEX solution which was approved by the Commission’s proposal and offers a great range of safety guarantees.