EUBF contributed to the European Commission report concerning the training of law practitioners

EUBF had the honour to participate to the data collection of the European Commission (DGJUST) concerning the training of law practitioners – bailiffs in our case – in EU law. Indeed, each year, the European Commission issues a report, accessible on the European E-justice portal, concerning progress in European judicial training.
Available here, the report announces the fact that “the report […] shows excellent results in terms of participation. In 2018, more than 190 000 legal practitioners took part in training on EU law or the law of another Member State. The yearly number of participants increased by 148 % between 2011 and 2018. In total, more than 1 million legal practitioners attended training on EU law since 2011. There has been an ever-increasing growth in the number of participants and training activities since 2011”.
Concerning the bailiffs, the EUBF is very satisfied to see that the overall number of bailiffs having followed a EU law training has increased over the years with a very notable raise between 2017 and 2018.
Of course, there is always room for improvement and the EUBF is always willing to make itself entire available for data collection and to further cooperation in judicial training.