EUBF supported the Balkan Enforcement Initiative conference, 17-18 October, Montenegro

EUBF took part in the organisation of the first annual regional conference of the Balkan Enforcement Initiative.
The main objective of the Balkan Enforcement Initiative, which regroups four national chambers of bailiffs in the Western Balkan region (Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), is to strengthen their legal cooperation and positively contribute to the EU enlargement prospects in the Western Balkans.
The conference took place on October 17th and 18th in Montenegro, and aimed at examining the present situation of cross-border enforcement in the region, especially related to commercial matters, and to discuss the possibilities for creating simplified legal procedures within the area of cross-border enforcement of outstanding balances by taking into consideration the experiences with the implementation of the European Enforcement Order.
Among others, the conference gathered bailiffs from the region, representative bodies of the bailiffs, European and Balkan policy makers, and the academia.
Invited by the EUBF, Alain Pilette, Deputy Director Justice, DG JAI Justice and Home Affairs at the Council of the European Union, made one of the opening speeches. He highlighted the initiatives taken by the countries member of the Bamkan Enforcement Initiative to strengthen judicial cooperation in the region.
More information on the conference can be found here